Soto Daging Sapi

It was delicious
and fresh broth if Soto is enjoyed especially in hot conditions
when the weather is cold or rainy, certainly can make the body feel warmer
because it has been eating hot Soto plus a spicy sauce.
Let's look at the recipe and how to make Soto Daging Sapi this.
Ingredients / beef soup seasoning
- ½ kilogram of beef (brisket section select)
- ½ kilogram of Bone Ribs
- 4 kaffir lime leaves, discard the bones
- 3 teaspoons of salt
- 3 tablespoons cooking oil, for sauteing
- 3 cm galangal, crushed
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 stalks lemongrass, take the cob / white part, crushed
- ½ tablespoon granulated sugar
- Enough water to boil the meat
Spices (crushed):
- 9 cloves of garlic
- 3 spring onions
- 4 items pecans, toasted
- 1 vertebra turmeric finger, burned
- 1 knuckle of ginger, crushed
- ½ tablespoon coriander
- ½ teaspoon ground pepper
Complementary Ingredients :
- Fried garlic for topping
- Celery and green onion to taste, finely sliced for topping
- Moderation cabbage, chopped soft
- Taste of bean sprouts, scalded, drained
- Soun taste, pour hot water, drained
- 2 red tomatoes, sliced
Cayenne chilli (crushed) :
- 17 pieces of red chili sauce, boiled
- 3 cloves of garlic, boiled
- 1 shallot, boiled
- ¼ teaspoon salt
How to Make Soto Daging Sapi :
- Boiled beef, reinforcement, bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal and lime leaves until the meat is tender and water is left ± 2 ½ liters. lift the meat, cut into cubes or to taste
- Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant, remove from heat and stir-fry seasoning enter into stew meat. Boil again until boiling. Taste.
- Pick up and ready to be served
Serving suggestion:
- Prepare a bowl, put cabbage, bean sprouts, glass noodles and sliced tomatoes
- Flush with gravy and Beef Soup
- Enjoy with chili sauce
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